
The semester, that is.

And what a semester it was.

Quick recap of some of the more significant events: moved into the Tiny White House with Shocking Aquamarine Trim;  I tackled neuro and cancer genetics; Raggedy Ann II melted in Charlottesville; flames shot out of the furnace at Shocking Aqua; I had a birthday; interpersonal relationships (of all shapes and shades) changed; I became (somewhat) less wackadoo about  food; I became JMU’s newest instructor (beginning Fall 2011); and I got an amazing new job.

This was the most successful semester I have ever had. Ever. Not just because I proved that I’m capable of doing graduate level work well, but because I did so while (for the most part) keeping the rest of my life together. I’m at an acceptable weight and I’m maintaining it without using ED behaviors. I became financially self-supporting. I met new people, made new friends, maintained strong friendships, and let go of relationships that weren’t healthy.

Many things happened over the last 16 weeks that I didn’t handle with the grace and finesse I would have liked. Most of those these things had to do with my relationships with others, and given my general unease with people this didn’t really surprise me. I’m certainly not saying that the semester was nothing but successful, but it certainly was the best I’ve ever had. And it felt pretty darn good.

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